Fontaine Home is a legacy and a lifestyle.
— Barry Avery
Barry Avery Fontaine Home

Barry Avery - Owner/Creator

  Barry is Fontaine Home’s founder, proprietor, owner and one of Southeastern Wisconsin’s premier designers. Fontaine Home is more than an amazing store, design firm and catering business. It is a Lifestyle. When Barry opened Fontaine on East Johnson Street in Madison 10 years ago, it was his vision that his friends and customers experience a Lifestyle when they became part of the Fontaine Home family.

He was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin and always had an interest in and eye for design and cooking. He held a number of positions in retail operations related to these interests and talents until he decided to pursue a degree in design. He has gone from a student who was an intern himself to running an operation that employs interns like he once was. He is now one of the most recognized names in Madison when people think design and catering and the store is considered one of the area’s best stores for exciting décor.

Barry’s maternal grandmother always encouraged him to pursue his dreams and when he was considering a name for his business he chose her maiden name – Fontaine – to recognize her inspiration and to serve as a living legacy.

Though he is passionate about his work and bringing The Lifestyle into the homes of his clients, his true love is the relationships he has developed with clients who have become amazing friends.  And that’s The Legacy of Fontaine Home.